A dental assistant explains plan options to a couple

Humana has transitioned its dentist portals to Availity Essentials. At Humana, we are always working to make sure you and your staff can get the important information you need quickly. That’s why Humana and Availity have teamed up to make it easier for you to work with us online. We are streamlining the healthcare processes for a better experience for administrators and providers.

On Availity Essentials you can:

  • Check eligibility and benefits
  • Verify claims status
  • Remittance Advice
  • Review DHMO patient rosters
  • Sign up for electronic payment preferences

Enjoy more streamlined care for Humana Dental and CompBenefits patients

Humana transitioned our online portal experience to Availity Essentials beginning in 2021. All existing functionality has migrated over to Availity and we’ve worked hard to bring you an enhanced experience.

Some changes introduced recently include:

  • Reordering of Eligibility and Benefit (E&B) results to display by code set instead of alphabetical order
  • Frequency limits and benefit displays are separated to provide better clarity and expanded descriptions
  • Dental claim submission

Get started

To request an Availity Portal username and access to specific tools, contact your organization’s Availity administrator.

If you do not know who your Availity administrator is, call Availity Client Services at 800-AVAILITY (800-282-4548) Monday – Friday, 8 a.m. – 8 p.m., Eastern time.

If your organization does not have an account and you are designated as your organization’s administrator, use the  online registration form  to set up your account.

Learn more about how to register and get started with Availity:

  • Availity Essentials portal training resources
  • Humana to Availity Crosswalk

Important info

The Web Portal & Basic Clearinghouse Payer List on  the Availity website  contains a searchable list of payers that can transact via Availity portal. Availity portal is accessible even if you do not use Availity’s clearinghouse services.

About Availity®

Humana and Florida Blue (formerly Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Florida) jointly formed Availity in 2001, with the goals of improving efficiency, reducing administrative complexity in the healthcare industry and, ultimately, improving healthcare outcomes.


Join our dental network

Refer a dentist to be part of the Humana network

Access tools and forms

Help is always available

For help with registration or questions about Availity Portal, call Availity Client Services at 800-AVAILITY (1-800-282-4548). Assistance is available Monday – Friday, 8 a.m. – 8 p.m., Eastern time (excluding holidays).

If these times don't work, a message can also be sent through the portal by going to Help & Training> Availity Support> Contact Support.

For more information on Availity, visit the Availity website