A healthcare professionial talks to an elderly patient on her bedside

As healthcare moves to a patient-centered, outcome-based model, Humana is committed to empowering providers to make the shift towards value-based care (VBC).

The future of better healthcare

VBC aligns with the quintuple aim of healthcare by optimizing outcomes for individuals, populations, and systems – creating a healthier, more equitable healthcare system.

Humana is a leader in VBC, with 70% of our individual Medicare Advantage (MA) members aligned to VBC providers—a testament to our commitment to the future of VBC and empowering providers for tomorrow.

Key benefits of VBC


Lower costs and better outcomes


Better patient experiences and increased efficiency


Greater visibility that enables them to control costs and lower financial risks

Hospitals and medical centers

Clearer alignment of expenses and outcomes reducing their risks

What is value-based care?

Get started by understanding the basics of VBC terminology and its advantages.

Your VBC journey starts here

For administrators

See our 7 steps for success for overcoming challenges of data management systems, organizational culture and more.

Explore VBC for positive change

For providers/clinicians

Learn how implementing VBC into your practice can reduce burnout and improve job satisfaction for providers.           

Discover the benefits of VBC

For policy makers

Promoting value-based care within your community helps drive better population health and reduced healthcare costs.

Learn about healthier communities

An image of human kidneys

Humana’s value-based care in nephrology brief

Explore how VBC arrangements can significantly improve patient outcomes and reduce healthcare costs for individuals with chronic kidney disease and end-stage renal disease.

Learn how Humana is innovating around kidney care via value-based care arrangements.

Value-based care trends and news


What is value-based care? The Atlantic Rethink One Question with Dr. Kate Goodrich

The Evolution of Specialty Value-based Care with Dr. Alex Ding and other healthcare leaders


One solution to genuinely improve health outcomes for seniors

Senior-focused primary care organizations increase access for Medicare Advantage members, especially underserved groups

Take the next step toward value-based care