This page gives you answers to common questions about Humana transplant programs, services and benefits.

Transplant programs

What is the Humana National Transplant Network?

The Humana National Transplant Network consists of facilities with transplant programs that are available to provide patients with transplant services.

How does Humana select the facilities in its transplant network?

We review programs based on a set of guidelines established by the Humana Facility Selection Committee.

What programs are in Humana's National Transplant Network?

Contact the Humana transplant services team at 1-866-421-5663 to request a list.

If a Humana-insured patient needs a transplant, will he or she always be able to use the closest hospital?

No. To help deliver the maximum coverage provided by the patient's health plan, we will work with the patient and his or her doctor to select a program in the Humana National Transplant Network that best fits the patient's needs. For information about facility availability, please contact the Humana transplant services team at 1-866-421-5663.

Who determines which facility within the Humana National Transplant Network a Humana-insured patient will use?

The patient and his or her physician select the most appropriate facility.

What facilities within the Humana National Transplant Network offer pediatric services?

Call the Humana transplant services team at 1-866-421-5663 for a list.

What types of transplants does the Humana National Transplant Network offer?

It offers services for all covered solid organ transplants and stem cell transplants.

Transplant benefits

Transplant benefits are specific to each patient's health plan. For questions about types of transplants that are covered, payment process, covered medications and travel, please contact the Humana transplant services team at 1-866-421-5663.

Transplant travel and lodging reimbursement may be available. Refer to the member’s plan type below to learn more. 


Please refer to the link below to learn more about travel benefits associated with Humana Medicaid plans.  Existing medical transportation benefits apply directly to transplant transportation needs.

Humana Medicaid


Humana Medicare members may be eligible to receive reimbursement for travel and lodging expenses for services directly related to their transplant if they are performed at the transplant center. All Humana Medicare plans, excluding Fee-for-service plans, include a Transplant Travel and Lodging benefit. CAR-T travel and lodging is not reimbursable by Humana.

There are limitations and maximums that apply to the use of the travel and lodging benefit. They are further described below. The following scenarios are not all inclusive, please call 866-421-5663 for any questions. 

  • Travel and lodging reimbursement requires a minimum of 100 miles one way to transplant center and is limited to $10,000 per transplant. Travel of transplant member and up to one companion is combined and applicable to the categorical capitation and $10,000 maximum.
  • Personal automobile travel:
    • Mileage is reimbursed for personal car use at $0.22/mile and is inclusive of gasoline for purposes of traveling to and from home, hospital/clinic and/or applicable hotel only.
    • Patient or companion must take most direct route, excessive mileage submission is subject for audit and denial.  
    • Mileage for personal reasons is not included. 
    • Only one vehicle mileage will be reimbursed for transplant patient and companion.  
    • Mileage is inclusive of all personal car expenditures and no additional reimbursement will be provided for gasoline, oil and other car-related expenditures.
    • Tolls are reimbursable. 
  •  Rental car:
  • Rental car services are reimbursable up to $70 per day. 
  • Must be compact or economy car.
  • Mileage is not reimbursable to rental car.
  • Additional insurance or other service upgrades are not reimbursable
  • Gas is reimbursable with receipts.  Gas programs at rental car facility are excluded.
  •  Bus and/or train tickets:  
    • Up to $150 each for the transplant member and up to one companion.
    • Cost of bus and train round trip tickets are reimbursable with appropriate receipts up to maximum of $150 for transplant patient and one companion.
    • No train or bus upgrades allowed reimbursement.
  •  Airplane tickets:  $400/round trip maximum.
    • Must be lowest cost economy class tickets and not exceed $400 round trip for each transplant patient and companion.
    • Upgrades are not reimbursable. 
    • Luggage and baggage fees are applied to the maximum of $400 round trip capitation.
    • Excludes air-ambulance and private jets.  If an air ambulance is required due to medical reasons, other benefits may apply.
    • Excluded when airline travel is only required because Member is at a more distant location than the primary residence.  For example, if Member has a secondary temporary or permanent residence or is away from the primary residences thereby requiring airline travel to the transplant center due to the expanded distance, the airline travel is not reimbursable.
  •  Uber, Lyft, taxi, subway ground transportation:  $25/day maximum
    • Not reimbursable when personal car or rental car is used
    • Is reimbursable when air travel is used to transport member from airport to lodging and hospital or clinic up to $25.00 per day.
    • Not reimbursable for personal use. For example:  transportation to a restaurant.
    • Upgrades are not reimbursable.  For example, the lowest economical Uber or Lyft vehicle must be used.
  •  Parking:  $25/day maximum
    • General parking at hospital or clinic is reimbursable if complimentary parking is not available when personal or rental car vehicle is used.  
    • Valet parking is not reimbursable.
    • Excludes parking for personal reasons (parking other than hospital, clinic or hotel/lodging site).
    • Hotel parking is reimbursable up to $25.00 per day if no other complimentary parking is available.
  •  Lodging expenses:  
    • Lodging in excess of $150/day is subject to review and denial.
    • Lodging in excess of General Services Administration geographical daily lodging rate by hospital location will be denied.   
    • Inclusive of Member plus one companion.
    • Lodging is reimbursable during Transplant Member’s hospital inpatient stay for one companion and applies to the $10,000 maximum.
    • Coverage includes only nightly hotel charge, state, city and local taxes.
    • Excludes resort fees.
    • Excludes all hotel upgrades.
    • Excludes all meals, food, drinks, snacks or other ancillary services or products.
    • Excludes Valet parking or paid parking when complimentary parking is offered by hotel.
    • Purchases from hotel gift shop or hotel stores are not reimbursable.
    • Short-term housing rental are reimbursable and will apply to the $10,000 maximum
    • Lodging with family and friends is not a reimbursable lodging expense.
  •  Food and other personal items:  excluded
    • Unless otherwise stated in plan documents, all food, beverages and snacks are not reimbursable.
    • Personal Items of all forms are not reimbursable.

Transplant services

How can the Humana Transplant Services Team help patients?

The team will guide patients through the entire transplant process—beginning when they are evaluated for transplant all the way through 1 year after they receive the transplant. Team members can identify centers offering specific types of transplants and help Humana-insured patients find lodging, transportation and other services available from those centers.

What is a transplant evaluation?

A transplant evaluation includes consultations, tests and X-rays ordered by the transplant program physicians for the patient and potential donors before transplantation.

How does a Humana-insured patient receive a transplant evaluation referral, and who is responsible for coordinating referrals between the physician and other specialists?

Humana transplant care managers are registered nurses who provide transplant evaluation referrals and coordinate referrals. They can be reached at 1-866-421-5663.

What type of help will the transplant care manager provide to a Humana-insured patient?

The transplant care manager will help coordinate the patient's transplant needs, explain benefits and help with other transplant issues the patient may have.

How long will the transplant care manager work with the patient?

The transplant care manager will work with the patient from the initial evaluation up to 1 year after the transplant.

What number should patients call with billing questions?

For billing and claims questions, members should call 1-866-421-5663 and select option 2 to speak to a transplant claims representative.

A Humana-insured patient has a specific question that wasn't addressed here. What should he or she do?

The patient should call the Humana transplant services team at 1-866-421-5663.

Patient care

  • Behavioral health guidelines
  • Care Decision Insights
  • Effectiveness and Efficiency
  • Health programs
  • Transplant services
  • Transplant services questions
  • Transplant services guidelines